Every person in this world needs friendship. Without friendship we just can’t live, it’s like the frog that lives in the pond and thinks that only this is the world.
In our life we meet many friends, whom we like. But, there may be only one or two person who can change our life. Whom we don’t want to leave. We just can’t think of leaving them and if by any chance we come in such a position that we have to leave that friend, we feel that all the excitement from our life has gone. No matter how happy and satisfied we are with our life. We start doubting the definition of friendship.
We may have many relation in our life 1.e. father, mother, hubby, wife, brother, sister etc but friendship is above all. There are certain things that we can’t share with anyone except our friends. That’s the reason why we look for friends.
When a friendship comes to end we start thinking of those persons who were great friends like Lord Rama and Hanuman, Lord Krishna and Sudama etc.
But, one thing we should understand that friendship is the other name of trust. The reason why most friendship breaks is “lack of mutual trust".
That’s the single most reason. The day you feel that the other person doesn’t trust you or vice-versa. The roots of friendship stops growing.
There can be one more reason that we can say plays an important role in breaking friendship. That is “lack of mutual respect”. If you feel that the other person doesn’t give you the respect that you deserve or he/she doesn’t give respect to your feelings and emotions. The roots of friendship start shaking.
We all accept that we need friends, Good Friends.
Then lets try and trust our friends and give the respect that he/she deserves.
More important there is no place for EGO.
There should not be EGO problem between the two.
The day past without friend won’t come again.
So, try o preserve each and every day. Don’t waste it simply, because the day when you feel like talking to your friend and if he/she ignores you. You will feel very bad. We can’t afford to loose a single day of our life.
If a relationship has come to an end then lets forget it and try to start it again or
‘Go ahead and look for a new Buddy”.
But, enjoy every moment of your life.
World is very big.
We can’t sit and cry for whatever has happened. After all, everybody moves in life and it is best to let go of the past.
I strongly feel that everybody should be out in the open right at the beginning of a relationship. In the first stage we are still discovering and starting to accept the person. But, if this “Past catching up” business comes later in relationship, it could cause a major upheaval and lead to awkwardness too.
If u comes to know that your friend was telling you lies all these days without any reason. Then you will feel bad, very bad and it hurts very badly. So, stop avoiding these lies from the beginning. If you tell everything to your friend form the beginning then it shows that you really care for your friend and really trust him/her.
Moreover, it is important to know the real person and not just an illusion created by him/her.
When you do friendship to a person it means you are important and special to him/her.
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