"Why the animals of Africa in particular? And more particularly still, East Africa? There is perhaps something more profoundly iconic, mythical, mythological even, about the animals of East Africa... There is something deeply deeply, emotionally stirring and affecting about the plains of Africa - the vast green rolling plains punctuated by by the graphically perfect acacia trees."

"My images are unashamedly idyllic and romantic, a kind of enchanted Africa. They're my elegy to a world that is steadily, tragically vanishing." ~ Nick Brandt, April 2004
(The abridged quote above has been courtesy of: http://www.younggalleryphoto.com/)
(The abridged quote above has been courtesy of: http://www.younggalleryphoto.com/)
Image courtesy of: http://izismile.com/
I happened upon the work of Nick Brandt about ten months ago, quite accidentally: a friend of mine (L.R.H.) had a photograph of a lion in regal repose, with wind blowing through his mane [see the opening photo above] saved as a screen saver on his i-phone. That singularly serene image made such an impression on me that I eventually found a book of Mr. Brandt's entitled, On This Earth - I was struck by the sheer poetic romanticism of his black and white images of wild animals, rendered in stunning variations of grey.

Image courtesy of: http://inspiringnews.wordpress.com/
Nick Brandt was born (in 1966) and raised in London, England, where he studied film and painting at St. Martin's School of Art. Mr. Brandt began his photographic career in East Africa in 2000. He is no longer a film director but is a full-time photographer. From 2003-2010, Mr. Brandt has exhibited his photographic work in numerous cities, including: London, Berlin, New York, Los Angeles, Santa Fe, San Francisco, Hamburg, Munich, Sydney, Melbourne, Amsterdam, and Brussels.
Mr. Brandt now resides in Topanga, California.

(Note: the above photograph has been discontinued by Mr. Brandt)

(Note: the above photograph has been discontinued by Mr. Brandt)

The eleven images above are courtesy of: http://express.kurdblogger.com/

The twenty-three images above are courtesy of: http://izismile.com/

(Note: the above photograph has been discontinued by Mr. Brandt)

The four images above are courtesy of: http://www.escapeintolife.com/
You may wish to make a difference by supporting Nick Brandt's cause on behalf of Africa's endangered wildlife and to bring poaching to an end. Please do so at: http://www.biglifeafrica.org/
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