Hot ass zombie chicks all over the place trying to eat your brains.
I mean come on! Hot chicks that are dead and just want to chew
on you, but not in a nice way.
Massive Typhoon damage. Kind of screws up the chances of
going fishing any time soon.
All the women turn Lesbo and won't let me watch.
Some how the government shuts down the web that day.
The Gap runs out of hot sexy panties.
We fall back into the cavemen times and I end out in the cave that
is all men. Now that would just suck, if you know what I mean.
Some how the fraking Teletubbies get back onto TV!
Again, Again, Again!
Some how some white trash whore breeds with this.
Sniper games are no longer made and sold.
Kate Middleton remembers to pull the shades from now on.
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